Chocolate Dipped Pineapple

Chocolate Dipped Pineapple - DC Girl in Pearls

While I was home for Thanksgiving, I went to a high school Friendsgiving and knew I couldn’t show up empty-handed. But I wanted to bring something more than just a bottle of wine (not there’s anything wrong with that). Let me give you some background: I’ve adapted to DC’s small grocery stores. When I first moved to DC, I felt claustrophobic in Trader Joe’s and had no idea how to handle that situation. Now I feel that way about larger grocery stores. So when I walked into a grocery store near my house (not Wegman’s) with absolutely zero ideas of what to make, my brain froze. Seriously. Every single culinary thought I have ever had just went completely blank. I stood there like a deer in headlights for what felt like forever.

But then, my mom came to the rescue. She made a beeline for the pineapple slices and before I knew what was happening, we were in the bulk candy aisle picking up a bag of Hershey’s morsels. If I could go on a tangent for a moment: I really miss bulk candy aisles. Why don’t they exist in DC?! Sometimes, I just really want to grab a bag and fill it with as many caramel creams as I’d please. Because I’m 25 and I can eat whatever I want for dinner. Though usually that means chips + guacamole with a glass of wine. </tangent>

Back to pineapples!

Chocolate Dipped Pineapple - DC Girl in Pearls

Mmmm, chocolate.

We used the double boiler method to melt the Hershey’s chocolate morsels, it takes a bit of time but guarantees your melted chocolate won’t scorch. Fill a lower pan with water and place another pan on top, the water should be 1/2 inch below the upper pan. Pour the morsels into the upper saucepan and turn the heat on low. Stir the morsels constantly until they’re melted and be careful that the water in the lower pan doesn’t come to a boil.

While the chocolate is still hot, dip the pineapple slices in and place on wax paper to harden for 10-15 minutes. Voila! I picked up a bottle of Sofia Blanc de Blancs on the way to Friendsgiving and we were in business!

And naturally, there were Disney Princess Silly Straws for the wine. Full-on adulthood hasn’t hit us quite yet and for that, I am truly thankful.

Chocolate Dipped Pineapple - DC Girl in Pearls

Chocolate Dipped Pineapple - DC Girl in Pearls

Chocolate Dipped Pineapple - DC Girl in Pearls

Don’t forget to enter my IKEA DC Sweetstakes!

* * *

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  1. 12.2.14
    Sarah said:

    I have never thought of doing chocolate dipped pineapple before! So many other fruits, yes, but never pineapple. It’s so simple, but so awesome. I’m still in shock that I’ve never thought of this before. Thanks for sharing!


    • 12.3.14

      Or you could always make chocolate dipped Oreos! Trader Joe’s version of Oreos has peppermint creme in the middle, that’d be perfect.

  2. 12.4.14
    Katherine Bailey said:

    Sounds yummy but I absolutely love the presentation. Looks great!