{Get Motivated}

I am a To Do list connoisseur. Normally, my mind is going in a million different directions at once with various ideas for blog posts, reminders to water my plants, fetch dry cleaning, apply for jobs and a thousand other things. If I do not write all my thoughts down, I inevitably will forget something. Or I worry I will forget something, which adds another thought to my mind and really just perpetuates the cycle.

Also, I really just love the sense of accomplishment and productivity I get when I cross an item off my To Do list. It’s the little victories that keep you motivated to move through your day.

Oftentimes, it seems there are really not enough hours in said day to accomplish everything on the list. On those days, I wake up extra early and visit my local Starbucks to put in some additional hours’ worth of work before my day really begins. It sounds great but getting up early is not in me naturally. This is where my To Do list and motivation comes in.

Pens & Pad_2

If a zebra on a notepad encouraging you to “Get it done!” does not excite and make you want to be a beacon of productivity, then I really do not know what else will. Besides a venti Starbucks.

The {zebra notepad from Rifle Paper Co.} is adorable and adds just the right touch of whimsy to brighten your day and put a smile on your face even as you stare down an ever-growing list.

Top it off with a {LePen} in your favorite color and you are on the right track to conquer the day! LePen writes very smoothly and looks neat and crisp in my planner. I prefer the lavendar, pinks and turquoise…what about you?

What “little things” keep you motivated during the day? Are you also a To Do list connoisseur?

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  1. 1.14.13
    Kaitlyn said:

    Love this Lauren! I even bought myself the notepad at paper source. Nothing gets you going like a Zebra yelling at you 🙂