{Don’t Rain On My Parade}

Lately, DC has been on-again, off-again rainy that left me wondering which shoes to wear each morning. I don’t want to get caught in the rain in ballet flats but I also don’t want to be wearing my Hunter wellies if it ends up not raining. Maybe it’s just me but I feel slightly absurd wearing my rainboots when it’s not raining. While perusing shoes sites, I found my answer: the Hunter Jena.

It’s really the best of both worlds: Hunter-quality protection from the rain and puddles rolled into ballet flats perfect for commuting to the office. If you’re heading to class, running errands or have a casual dress code office you could wear them all day!

Here’s how I styled the Jena:

Jena | Chambray Shirt | Leggings | Bubble Umbrella | Bracelet

Do you prefer wellies or the ballet flat alternative?

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  1. 10.7.12

    Cute! I hadn’t heard of these before. Love the pop of color!

  2. 10.7.12
    rebecca said:

    Oh, I need to order these! As cute and practical as Hunter Wellies are, it is never ever raining both in the morning when I leave for work and in the evening when I head home and like you, I would feel ridiculous wearing rain boots when it is not raining. Every time I see someone on Metro in the (non-rainy) evening wearing rain boots because it was raining 10 hours ago in the morning, it reaffirms my stance on them.